August, 2018

Wow! The month of August has come and gone so quickly this year. One of the themes I have noticed this month in my practice is the body’s response to transition. Towards the middle to end of August almost everyone in my practice is transitioning in some way. Whether it’s the simple movement towards autumn, going back to work after spending time with family/friends or just reassessing what the next year will hold, everyone has something that they are transitioning into this time of year. And what I’ve noticed in the body is huge leaps forward in healing and/or recurrence of old injuries, aches/pains. Our bodies are such great record keepers of what we are walking through in our lives. They keep us on track with an incredibly intricate and intimate relationship with our minds. In my own experience, I have taken another deep dive into P-DTR® (Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex). After two 4-day weekends of 64 hours of material, my brain feels like it is oozing out of my ears. Even though I thoroughly enjoy the information and find it completely fascinating, it takes some time for my mind and body to fully digest what I’ve learned. And each time I learn something new, there is a transition phase; where I enter into my practice with a refreshed perspective on how I see my client’s conditions and the best tack for treating them. As much as I enjoy this perspective shift, it can also be a bit disorienting. I’m in the process of expanding my view to include what I see under the lens of the new information I’ve learned. I can feel my body hold tension with this shift. And I am being asked by my body to move slowly with the new perspective so the tension does not become solid, rather it is more of a navigational tool on how to move forward. I know I probably sound like a broken record but I have to say it again, the human body is amazing!


November, 2018


July, 2018