April, 2020
Several years ago, when I was studying shamanism, one of the first teachings was the relationship between the one percent of human awareness verses the 99 percent. The one percent being what we can see, feel, hear, and touch and the 99 percent being the unseen. There were all kinds of physical practices I learned to open up my awareness into the 99 percent so that a bridge between the one percent and the 99 percent of awareness could begin to be constructed. I committed to this study very seriously. Eventually I saw myself from a completely different vantage point as well as the rest of the world. But it wasn’t until I started doing work on frequency level that I noticed a significant and permanent change in my behaviors, most importantly how I feel about, relate to, and take care of myself.
This is where we have arrived as a collective. It is an extreme time of complete and utter personal responsibility and integrity. That is, if you know that you are out of alignment with yourself and you choose not to do anything about it, it will likely get more difficult to be in this new reality that is forming. And some of us don’t know that we are out of alignment but do notice that the negative media and fear that is vomited on all of us doesn’t feel very good. That is another indicator that internal alignment is not present. This is not a pointing out of what or where we should be, it is a call out to where we all need to go in order to create more coherence on the planet, among people, but ultimately within ourselves.
The way I work with my clients has changed dramatically over the time I have been in practice. I now know clearly that very few physical patterns can shift permanently unless the underlying frequencies are addressed. The ability that I have to remove patterns that have been imprinted from your lineage and the collective at large, are the abilities we all have. The only difference between you and me is that I do this work all the time; both on myself and with others. What I offer is the doorway into your innate ability. And by you receiving the work and doing your part during the rest of your life outside of the session, you are making the same offering to those around you; your family, friends, loved ones.
This is a very exciting time in human evolution. We are all being asked to step into our own unique selves and be authentic, integrous, and expressive about who we are. My particular offering is primarily through the body but the work of frequencies impacts everything in your life; health, wealth, relationships, individual expression. Here’s to the you that you know you are!