October, 2019
My shoulder was the one thing that didn’t clear up right away last month. As I worked with it, I realized that there was a severe lack of confidence in both of my lineages and the collective that I had absorbed. The tricky thing about confidence is that it has more to do with faith and trust in your own abilities and strengths even though it often gets paired with arrogance and self-righteousness. The deeper layers of confidence inform everything that we do or don’t do. For example, I know that I have high level observational abilities and can see things on various planes but I didn’t always own what I see.
Initially, I noticed the frustration with my shoulder around limited physical exercise but that soon yielded to noticing that this injury was actually a pattern. In the past when I started to make significant gains in the gym or athletic endeavors, an injury would surface. This pattern has entered and exited my entire life costing me potential scholarships when I was involved in competitive sports. The root of this pattern is lack of confidence. Distrusting our higher selves on the spiritual plane leads to all sorts of mental, emotional and physical distortion. In my family it showed up as extreme narcissism (and its cousin extreme co-dependence), perfection, and a plethora of physical distortions from cancer and heart disease to orthopedic issues and bone loss. When lack of confidence drives action in the physical plane, there is a strong possibility for injury. And in my case, when physical feats were made it only magnified my lack of trust in myself. It wasn’t until I owned my abilities completely that this pattern stopped and I could maintain and increase my physical gains.
Because I have cleaned up a great deal of my ancestral patterns, the deeper levels of the patterns resurfaced for deletion confirmation. You can see that the importance of confirming deletions cannot be overemphasized. The great thing about doing the frequency work is that you become faster at pattern recognition and confirmation of deletion. Instead of my rehab lasting several months, I was able access better health and understanding within weeks. I have observed myself get faster at the recognition/deletion process and some deletion confirmations have been instantaneous!
These are big shifting times for all of us. It is challenging. But the more we can recognize who we truly are, the easier it is to use everything we experience as a way to make gains in our lives while owning our talents and abilities.