April 16, 2020
As the country prepares for martial law, it is imperative to see where you want to be in relationship to yourself. Traversing through hope, fear, loss and eventually rebuilding from a platform of authentic transparency is coming up on a nationwide basis and the way it will roll out is something like this;
(1) giving people hope that we will start rebuilding
(2) then the virus will be logged into the news media as taking more lives
(3) justifying yet another lockdown
(4) people will protest not being able to enjoy their civil liberties
(5) violá! a police state is born
This is not about preparing a bunker underground and starting a militia group, although that could be a option. It IS about seeing the necessary steps to coming back into more coherence as a globe, a nation, a people, and most importantly as individuals. And even though on the surface it is very convincing that everything is “going to hell in a handbasket”, it is actually decomposing to create the fertile soil upon which to build a very solid, coherent way of life.
When all civil liberties are pulled it is actually a pull back into the solidarity one has with oneself. How do I honor my own voice? How do I want to see myself and the world around me? What is my level of participation in creating a reality built upon parity, respect, wholeness, and true freedom? Where do I lack trust in myself? Am I willing to see how I feel, think, experience life before turning to others; news, friends, family, co-workers to decide where I am? These are the types of questions to ask oneself. And if the answers seem illusive, that’s normal. However, how dedicated are you to sitting with the questions until you feel comfortable and safe in your body while the questions hang in the air?
This is not the easiest of times, but it is one of the most exciting and innovative times in history that we will experience. This is the time to bring everything you know about yourself to the table. All of it. Your fears, joys, accomplishments, dreams, goals and truly examine them from the inside out. Let them percolate in the interior of your being. Let the questions you may have be answered from that place. Let the identity that you have so loved, nurtured, and clung to fall away, if even for a second, to feel what it would be like to open to the true freedom of who you are. This is the amazing benefit of this time. Use it to your advantage in as many ways as possible and watch your life experience shift into complete wholeness and empowerment of who YOU are.