November, 2024

What I Am Noticing

Congratulations on making it through the month of October! Phew, what a wild ride. As we move into the November test point, it will be important to put all the knowledge and wisdom that you have gained over the past month into focus. In clinic, the primary misunderstanding is prioritization of the body. When the body's cues are honored, respected and attuned to, the experience within the body becomes clear and next steps can be identified. The main misunderstanding is that taking care of the body is a secondary concern in life. If that mindset is deconstructed, it is easy to see that if you don't have health, what do you really have? Also, the "body" is all the bodies; emotional, physical, spiritual, mental. There is not a more reliable cueing system than our bodies.

Where We Are Headed Collectively

As hiding becomes a non-option for everything and everyone, it will be important to be aware of things that we have assumed have always been and will always be. This month's election and subsequent inaugaration are poised for shifts in protocol. The more we can be aware of our individual shifts, the outer shifts will become easier to navigate. We will all face tests in our inner authority, self leadership and willingness to explore where it is we align ourselves individually verses following a collective narrative. As I mentioned several months back, nothing we see on a screen is absolute, this makes it very important to know where we truly stand within ourselves in order to discern what is real outside of ourselves. This again is where our bodies become the necessary and reliable ally in navigating life.


December, 2024


October, 2024