October, 2024
What I Am Noticing
I attempt to balance the current research around the human body with what I experience within my own body and what I see in clinic. Lately, I've noticed there is a discrepancy in my experience and the data. It is widely documented that people over 50, especially women, should focus on lifting heavier and running sprints to maintain bone density and heart function. As much as I want to adhere to this recommendation, I have found that lifting heavier has aggravated the tendoninopathy in my foot to the point where I have to start rehabilitation close to the beginning stages of the injury. This divergence in data and experience always catalyzes more investigation for me because I typically find an intersection where both are valid. This intersection has required a massive amount of patience with myself. I know that I can lift heavy but with consequences. Finding that place between the two that validates both is my goal. Still, there are times that I want to override the cues from my body and lift what I want because it makes me "feel" like I am strong. This is where feelings are not aligned with best practice. Feelings can align but it requires attunement to the body to determine the next best step.
Where We Are Headed Collectively
We are navigating through what we thought was real or correct when it turns out further investigation is needed internally to determine what is truly real for us. Most of what is presented in any type of media requires this type of investigation. The body is the best place to get accurate information about what is currently happening within you and whether or not you resonante with something outside of you. Next steps are working with the wisdom/response the body gives us verses overriding it with expectations or demands that it can not meet or does not resonate with. Bodies respond to consistent, gentle listening and allowing time to digest or integrate what is given. Utliizing the body this way will make navigating the month of October more doable despite what the mind and emotions say.